Heather Martin, Founder/Director
Heather Martin, E-RYT 500 yoga teacher who has been guiding her students through clear and creative classes with the invitation to explore the more subtle dimensions of yoga for over twenty years. She is known for challenging classes (expect to work hard!) that aim to balance the relationship between stability and mobility, as well as the relationship between the pose and the person. She is as passionate in the yoga studio as she is out. Heather’s offerings are bold and balanced experiences intended to inject you with inspiration to lead a wild & peaceful life. To add to her layered understanding of life and all its experiences, When Heather is not running the farm and fish hatchery, you can find her in Belize woking at a marine field station.
Heather leads local and international retreats as well as in depth studies.
“The essence of yoga is that the practice must be adapted to the individual, not the other way around.” ~ T. Krishnamacharya